Raising the Walls of the Ruin - Phase 1A Completed
Menokin Ruin, Southwest view of completed Phase 1A re-stabilization - photo by Calder Loth
In May 2022, the incredible stonemason team at Dominion Traditional Builders Group began work on rebuilding the south and west walls of the ruin from below the ground level. By October 2022, the team had raised the south and west walls in methodical, precise, and lightning fashion, resulting in the completion of Phase 1A of the Menokin re-stabilization of the ruin. Dominion’s work often required highly technical and tactical coordination with Consigli Construction, Oak Grove Restoration and others working on the Glass House Project team, culminating in the completion of Phase 1A.
The photo gallery below showcases some of the work during these months in 2022. The last three photographs taken by Calder Loth show the amazing result on where the re-stabilization phase of the project is as of October 2022.
Here are links to blog posts documenting the competition of Phase 1A:
Phase 1B of the Menokin Glass House Project readying to begin in 2023.
We are raising funds for this construction in 2023, which will stabilize portions of the east wall, as well as repoint and rebuild areas on the north wall around the original front entrance. This will be one of the final stabilization phases before preparing for the glass portion of the project.
Please help us by making a contribution here to get us there!