Menokin Board of Trustees
Lisa Dickinson Mountcastle
Alexandria, VA
John H. Guy IV
Vice President
Hartfield, VA
Bruce E. Thomas
Treasurer Tappahannock, VA
Margaret Tobey Taliaferro
Laneview, VA
Mary Lynn Bayliss
Manakin Sabot, VA
Judith Gordon
Orange, NJ
Frank Albert Johnson, Jr.
Warsaw, VA
Isobel Middleton Price Morris
Montross, VA
The Hon. Hullihen Williams Moore, Richmond, VA
Benjamin Ogle Tayloe, Jr.
Arlington, VA
Marc Williams
Alexandria, VA
Gloria Garmon Huntsville, NC
Honorary Trustees
Calder Loth
Richmond, VA
The Hon. Harry T. Taliaferro III
Warsaw, VA