A Message from Executive Director Sam McKelvey on the Passing of Tish King and Tayloe Murphy

Dear Supporters,

It is with deep sadness I announce the passing of two founding pillars of the Menokin Foundation. Both Mrs. Martin "Tish" King and the Hon. W. Tayloe Murphy, Jr. died Wednesday, September 15. Tish and Tayloe were stalwart supporters of Menokin, who worked to preserve the important site well before the non-profit was founded in 1995.

Tish and her husband Martin purchased their historic home at Grove Mount near Warsaw, VA in the 1960s as a place for their family to spend summers and weekends. The Kings decided to settle down and retire to the 1787 home due to their love of the region and its rich history. When they first arrived, Tish and Martin were introduced to privately owned Menokin by Helen and Tayloe Murphy. The Murphys and the Kings began a long journey to save the historic site that was built for Signer of the Declaration of Independence, Francis Lightfoot Lee, in 1769. Their long efforts to save the home finally proved successful when the founders managed to obtain Menokin, 500 acres, and its original woodwork in 1995 with the incorporation of the new Menokin Foundation.

Martin King served as the founding President of the new institution with Tish supporting his efforts in preserving the crumbling site. Tish herself served on the Menokin Board of Trustees after Martin's death in 2004, leading it through a period of growth and professionalization. After retirement, Tish continued to be a staunch supporter and advocate for the restoration of the historic site.

Tish King on Menokin's golf cart in front of the Martin Kirwan King Conservation and Visitors Center, named for her late husband.

Tish King on Menokin's golf cart in front of the Martin Kirwan King Conservation and Visitors Center, named for her late husband.

Tayloe Murphy and his late wife, Helen Murphy, in front of the Menokin ruin.

Tayloe Murphy and his late wife, Helen Murphy, in front of the Menokin ruin.

The Hon. W. Tayloe Murphy, Jr. was a founding member of the new organization in 1995. Tayloe followed his wife Helen's term as President of the Menokin Foundation from 2010 to 2016 and continued her legacy stabilizing the Menokin ruin. He was president during the adoption of the Glass House Project, the 8.5 million dollar restoration project now under construction. Outside of Menokin, Tayloe held an illustrious career. He was first elected to the Board of the Northern Neck State Bank in 1966 and has served on the Atlantic Union Board of Directors since its inception in 1993. He was the Secretary of Natural Resources of the Commonwealth of Virginia from 2002 to 2006, Delegate of the Virginia General Assembly from 1982 to 2000, and Honorary Trustee of the Garden Club of Virginia and the Alliance for The Chesapeake Bay. Both Helen and Tayloe were honored as the Outstanding Virginians of the year by the General Assembly in 2019. The Northeast corner of the house is named in their honor.

Former Menokin trustee Rusty Brown, who served with both Tayloe and Tish, said it best- "We have truly lost two Menokin icons in one day."

It is hard to comprehend how much good Tish and Tayloe have done not only for Menokin but the entire Commonwealth. Their deaths leave behind certainly sorrow but also deep appreciation for their many deeds and efforts. Menokin is here today because of these two amazing people and they will not be forgotten. Their legacies will be remembered as we continue to build on what they began- to save Menokin for future generations.


Sam McKelvey
Executive Director