What is the Northern Neck? By Alice French
Northern Neck Region of Virginia in shaded green
When you say, “I’m from the Northern Neck”, most people think you just said Northern Virginia. But the Northern Neck is instead a very different place. It is the northernmost peninsula of Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay and one of the most beautiful places, in my humble opinion, in Virginia.
Set between the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers it boasts one of the largest nesting habitats of the American Bald Eagle with a wonderful aquaculture rich in crabs, oysters, and rockfish. The seafood here is always fresh off the watermens' boats and you can enjoy it at many of the local markets or restaurants. Also the rich farming soil is ideal for many varieties of wines to add to your dining palate from a variety of historic and contemporary vineyards.
American Bald Eagle
The scenic beauty is hard to compare and definitely worth exploring. Memorable hiking and paddle experiences can be found along Menokin’s Cat Point Creek, named by the governor as one of Virginia’s Scenic Waterways in 2016. The Northern Neck is also home to three state parks: Caledon State Park, Belle Isle State Park and Westmoreland State Park. WSP was one of the six original state parks built as part of Roosevelt’s national park system developed in the 1930s. The park was built in 1936 by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). Most of the roads and trails found in the park were originally dug by hand! Conservation efforts by groups like Friends of the Rappahannock, Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge, and Northern Neck Land Conservancy have established a culture of environmental stewardship and consciousness here.
Cat Point Creek
Besides the rural, scenic beauty this place has retained it is probably most known for it’s history. Home of the Rappahannock Tribe who ancestors named these waterways and many of the places here today, it is also the birthplace of two Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Francis Lightfoot Lee and Richard Henry Lee, as well as three of the nation’s presidents: George Washington, James Madison, and James Monroe. The Northern Neck presented itself as the intersection of the three transatlantic cultures - African, European and Indigenous Peoples.
For such a tiny area, with a population just over 50,000, we are also home to 20 cultural museums and historical societies celebrating the cultures of African Americans, Presidents, Life on the Water, Architecture, Ecclesiastical Life, Local History and Education. If you’re not sure where to begin your explorations, check out the Northern Neck Tourism Commission website for more! https://www.northernneck.org
To explore Menokin with a guided tour, traversing the landscape and more for your trip to Northern Neck, go to the Plan Your Visit area of our web site for all ways to book ahead.
Historic Site Rice's Hotel/Hughlett's Tavern, Heathsville, VA
Sample Lists and Links
Parks and Nature:
Menokin Foundation, https://www.menokin.org/kayak
Westmoreland State Park, https://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state-parks/westmoreland
Belle Isle State Park, https://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state-parks/belle-isle
Friends of the Rappahannock, https://riverfriends.org
Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge, https://www.fws.gov/refuge/rappahannock-river-valley
Northern Neck Land Conservancy, https://nnconserve.org
History and Cultural Resources:
Rappahannock Tribe, https://www.rappahannocktribe.org
Francis Lightfoot Lee, menokin.org
Richard Henry Lee, https://www.stratfordhall.org
George Washington’s Birthplace, https://www.nps.gov/gewa/index.htm
James Madison’s Birthplace, https://www.bellegroveplantation.com
James Monroe’s Birthplace, https://monroefoundation.org
Museums and Institutions:
AT Johnson Museum/Rosenwald Schools of the NNK
Historic Christ Church
Holly School
Kilmarnock Museum
Kinsale Museum
Lancaster Virginia Historical Society & Museum
Morattico Waterfront Museum
Museum at Colonial Beach & Historical Society
Northern Neck Farm Museum
Northern Neck Historical Society
Northumberland Historical Society
Reedville Fisherman’s Museum
Richmond County Museum
Steamboat Era Museum
Stratford Hall
Westmoreland County Museum
Food List and Dining:
Crabs Direct, https://www.facebook.com/Crabs-Direct-1438220886472792/
Denson’s Grocery, https://www.densonsgrocery.com
The Hague Winery, thehaguewinery.com
Ingleside Vineyards, inglesidevineyards.com
Jim Dan Dee Seafood Crab King, https://www.facebook.com/JimDanDeeSeafoodCrabKing/
The Tides Inn, tidesinn.com
Vault Fields Vineyards, vaultfield.com
Willabys Cafe & Catering, willabys.com
To explore Menokin with a guided tour, traversing the landscape and more for your trip to Northern Neck, go to the Plan Your Visit area of our web site for all ways to book ahead.