The Magical Flora and Fauna of Menokin by Jackie Vari


by Jackie Vari, Development Associate and Amateur Naturalist

The Flora & Fauna surrounding Menokin are as much a part of our story as the people and the land itself. The ecosystem here - its plants, animals, and creeks - all exhibit the natural history of Menokin. 

We wanted to feature a few of the species we’ve identified around Menokin lately. Though, what’s fascinating is that each time you visit, you can experience a different environment. There’s beauty in everything being so momentary - maybe you’ll be able to spot the Mayapples ripening!

(From left to right — click to enlarge!)

Picture 1: Tulip Poplar - Liriodendron tulipifera

Pictures 2 and 3: Mayapple - Podophyllum peltatum

Picture 4: Sky view of Loblolly Pines - Pinus taeda

Picture 5: Red-sided Flat Millipede - Sigmoria latior

Picture 6: Sweet Gum leaves and dried fruit - Liquidambar styraciflua

Picture 7: Black Racer Snake - Coluber sp.

Picture 8: Loblolly Pine bark - Pinus taeda

Picture 9: Flowering Dogwood - Cornus florida

Picture 10: Fringe Tree - Chionanthus virginicus

Part of Menokin’s ongoing efforts include more permanent signage for some of our native plant species, creating seasonal guides to Menokin’s critters and plants, and improving the land just as generations of people before us have done. We hope you’ll consider being a part of this endeavor - either by simply enjoying the landscape during a kayak trip or walk, or by donating your time or funds to our projects. After all, the weeding never ends!

Have fun!