Reconstructing Calder's Corner
The southwest corner of the ruin where the two walls met was coined "Calder's Corner" after our esteemed Honorary Trustee Calder Loth. Calder was responsible for saving Menokin from complete oblivion in 1985, and he was part of the team that created the Menokin Foundation to take ownership of the house and landscape in 1995.
Calder Loth (center with white helmet) at kick off planning meeting for Phase 1A
Calder first came upon Menokin as an architectural college student at UVA during a road trip in 1965. Calder was the senior architectural historian at the Virginia Department of Historic Resources for decades until his retirement, stewarding the rescue and restoration of numerous historic sites across Virginia.
What you will see here is where we were one year ago, and what it looks like today. We thank Dominion Traditional Builders Group for their meticulous work on Calder’s Corner.