2015-2017 - Stabilization begins with NE and SE Corners
Hank Handler, Oak Grove Restoration, at Menokin Ruin 2016
The first work on the re-stabilization of the Menokin ruin began between 2015 and 2017 to stabilize two ruined corners of the house. Consigli Construction was awarded the project management role for the Glass House Project, and early work began in 2015.
Re-stabilization involves meticulously combing through the rubble and tagging each stone to ensure it is returned to the exact same place in the original ruin using modern techniques to support the massive load of weight delivered by the glass later in the project.
Is it at this time when the nucleus of the companies working on the Glass House Project gelled together, including Consigli, Machado Silvetti, Oak Grove Restoration, Dominion Traditional Builders, Encore Sustainable Architects, and others listed here.
The gallery below shows Hank Handler from Oak Grove Restoration leading team members on a walkabout of areas of the ruin to be worked on first.