Fairy House Competition
Register by May 31!

Support the Descendant Documentary

Call for Artists!
The Menokin Foundation is opening up opportunities for artists in preparation for America’s 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 2026. An honorarium totaling $1,000 will be rewarded to the accepted artists.
We are especially looking for artist proposals for outdoor art pieces that surround the theme of self-emancipation. Accepted artists will have their work displayed on Menokin’s grounds for 1 year. Details Here!
Menokin, the home of Francis Lightfoot Lee — a signer of the Declaration of Independence — is a National Historic Landmark and, like our country, built on the contradictions of slavery. It is one of the best documented 18th century houses in the United States.
Hours Of Operation
Guided Tours Available Tues - Fri 10 AM - 3 PM
Landscape Open Daily
7 AM - 7 PM
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The Menokin Foundation
Our mission is to use the historic ruin and the surrounding built and natural environments to transcend the traditional house museum experience. We use contemporary methods to create opportunities for the public to contemplate and explore the building of America.
Our vision is to be one of the most engaging destinations for historic preservation and interpretation. Our creative approach reimagines how individuals connect to history and promote provocative dialogue around our nation’s founding ideals and realities.